Mama Says: Advice from Cannabis Influencer The Mommy Jane

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Jessica Gonzalez, aka The Mommy Jane, is a self-described “walking cannabis success story.” Now she’s helping her audience of more than 14,000 followers on Instagram (@TheMommyJane) become their best selves.

“I’ve lost over 100 pounds by trading in my wine and prescription pills for cannabis.” -The Mommy Jane

How has cannabis helped you?
I’ve completely changed my life. How can you be the best mom you want to be if you’re not taking care of yourself, both mentally and physically? I meditate daily. I think combining consciousness and cannabis is a great way to find excellent homeostasis, beyond the plant. That’s what I like to preach. I don’t want us to just be consuming all day and not knowing why. It’s important for us to know why we were reaching for the bottle in the first place and why we are reaching for the plant. And how we can incorporate it safely into our lives and still get shit done.


What’s it like to be a mom influencer in a sea of millennials?
I really love the cannabis industry, because with age comes value. We don’t shun our elders. We put them on the pedestals they deserve to be on. The pioneers, they’re the ones that have the true influence. And because of them, I have a space. Cannabis isn’t just for one age group, and moms need it more than most if you ask me. Cannabis over wine any day of the week!

The Mommy Jane image in smartphone

What can brands do to increase social media engagement?
They need to stop trying to be perfect and just really show who they are as a brand. Show the ins and outs of daily life; their business. People want to know about the brands they buy. They are nosy. They want to know who makes [the products]. They want to know how it’s made. You never know who’s watching. You never know who you’re inspiring and what kind of collaborations can come from it.

What’s next?
I’m going to be teaching a virtual social media course called Under the Influence, because everybody deserves to grow. We need the industry to thrive, and what better way than to help each other out?


Months as an influencer

followers on Instagram

Age of her primary demographic
