What Nutrients Are The Master Cannabis Cultivators Using?

Expert cultivators share a passion for knowledge, optimizing plant health, and maximizing yields. The right nutrients can make the difference between a good harvest and one that is exceptional.

mg Magazine spoke with several accomplished commercial cannabis growers about their regimens, techniques, and the nutrients they use at various stages during plant growth cycles.

Before you jump to using any nutrient, it’s important that you have a basic understanding of macronutrients, micronutrients, amino acids, and the purpose each serves.

Understanding the basics.

Macronutrients, also called primary nutrients, provide the basic building blocks for plant growth and are needed in relatively large amounts. These ingredients usually are listed on packaging: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). Together, they are referred to as an NPK ratio. Secondary macronutrients including calcium, magnesium, and sulfur also are required in significant amounts.

According to many professionals, the optimal NPK ratio for cannabis plants in the vegetative (pre-flowering) stage is in the neighborhood of 3-1-2. The higher nitrogen percentage promotes foliage growth. During the flowering stage, plants’ need for nitrogen decreases. At the same time, increasing phosphorus and potassium levels is crucial — particularly phosphorous, which promotes the formation of healthy, potent buds. Pros often recommend an NPK ratio around 1-3-2 during flowering.

Micronutrients, also called trace nutrients, include iron, manganese, zinc, copper, boron, molybdenum, chlorine, and nickel. They, too, are essential for healthy plant growth but are required in much smaller amounts than macro elements. Micronutrients support specific metabolic and physiological functions such as enzyme activation, chlorophyll production, and nutrient transport.

As the building blocks for proteins, amino acids play a crucial role in plant development and health by aiding in nutrient absorption and improving stress resistance, among other vital functions. Top nutrients brands offer amino acid supplements.

Here are the most trusted brands being used today.

While every commercial cannabis grower has their favorite routines and regimens for creating healthy, potent buds, the pros with whom we spoke favored three nutrient brands over most others, calling them out for effectiveness, reliability, and contribution to superior crop yield.

1. Advanced Nutrients

Backed by more than two decades of scientific research and founder Michael “BigMike” Straumeitis’s forty-year history with the plant, Advanced Nutrients set the standard for cannabis nutrients. The company’s cannabis fertilizers, hydroponic solutions, and biostimulants are relied upon by master growers in more than 117 countries to optimize all phases of plant development and produce optimal yields with premium potency and flavor.

2. FoxFarm

Esteemed for reliability and organic formulations, FoxFarm offers a wide range of products tailored for different growth stages. With soils and soil conditioners, dry fertilizers, microbrewed liquid supplements, inoculants, and pest control sprays, Fox Farm’s advanced twelve-week feeding schedule is a favorite among commercial hydroponic growers and hobbyists alike. All products are greenhouse-tested.

3. General Hydroponics

Among the vanguard in the hydroponics movement, General Hydroponics has been breaking rules to create innovative products for more than forty-five years. Now part of ScottsMiracle-Gro’s cannabis-focused Hawthorne Gardening Company division, General Hydroponics is known worldwide for its precise product formulations that address what plants need to grow, flourish, and thrive at every stage.

Important considerations

Growing medium: Nutrient requirements vary with the growing medium. For instance, coco coir necessitates specific formulations to balance potassium, magnesium, and calcium levels. Understanding the interactions between the medium and nutrient regimen is critical for optimal growth. The manufacturers mentioned above offer a variety of products designed for specific mediums. For example, Advanced Nutrients offers product lines specific to coco growers, organic growers, home growers, and commercial cultivators.

Organic vs. synthetic nutrients: The debate over organic and synthetic fertilizers remains relevant. Organic options enhance soil health and sustainability, while synthetic fertilizers offer precise control and consistency, which is particularly advantageous in hydroponic setups.

Expert tips for optimal nutrient management

Monitor precise pH. Accurate pH monitoring and adjustments are crucial to prevent nutrient lockout and ensure optimal nutrient uptake.

Avoid overfeeding. Expert cannabis cultivators know the importance of fine-tuning nutrient concentrations to prevent overfeeding and nutrient burn, which can compromise plant health and yield.

Advanced Nutrients

Raising the bud weight and the reputation of top growers.

AdvancedNutrients Backed by two-plus decades of research, Advanced Nutrients is the only complete cannabis growing system of fertilizers and biostimulants that optimizes all phases of your plants’ development from seed to senescence, helping bring your crops to their true genetic potential.

Each Advanced Nutrients product has been engineered to maximize results, while preserving the purity of the plant with the highest quality inputs. Today, growers in 117+ countries rely on Advanced Nutrients’ precision technology and innovation to achieve measurable increases in yield, potency, and flavor.
Learn more about Advanced Nutrients