August 13, 2016
All day
“HANF” is German for “HEMP”
The Hanfparade is the traditional and german-wide pro-Cannabis march in Germany. Every year in August we gather for the legalisation of Cannabis as resource, medicine and recreational drug.
There were 8000 to 10.000 participants from all over Germany and the world to the Hanfparade in last year. We want to top it this year so: tell your friends, bring your friends!
This years motto is “Legalization is in the air!” (Legalisierung liegt in der Luft!) We meet at 13th of August 2016, 1pm @ Central Train Station
“Washington DC smells of pot and no one cares” is the title of news from the US. This should be Germany too! Hemp – Cannabis – Marijuana – Hanf (German for Hemp) was always in the society. The principle of prohibition is the experiment which began more than 55 years ago. The normal state is usage of Cannabis in all its forms. Cannabis is a natural and renewable source for feed and food, housing, medicine and energy. All this the society needs – and Cannabis can deliver!
Hanfparade is a march and a movement to push ideas on how the legalisation of Cannabis can be done. We fight for the human right to use Cannabis as a resource, medicine and recreational drug.