High Vibes Roots & Reggae Festival
Montego Bay Convention Centre Montego Bay, JamaicaABOUT THE EVENT We welcome you to the inaugural High Vibes Roots & Reggae Festival – the first of its kind in the Caribbean. This two day festival promises to […]
ABOUT THE EVENT We welcome you to the inaugural High Vibes Roots & Reggae Festival – the first of its kind in the Caribbean. This two day festival promises to […]
The Cannabis World Congress & Business Expo (CWCBExpo) is the definitive business event for the cannabis industry. Exhibitors and sponsors bring cutting-edge solutions to owners and managers of businesses in this fast-growing industry, and a wealth of opportunity and knowledge to those looking to enter the market with potential partners and investors. The Annual Cannabis […]
Here we are. We’re in. CannaCon is up, running and you can smell the excitement in the air. But you find yourself asking “What now?” If you are among those who have a phobia of planning, these instructions are for you. When you go, how long, how much are the tickets, how to get there, […]
Join us in Portland, Oregon for the next regional installment of The Secret Cup for 2016, this one is a PRIVATE CUP! These style of events are our original concepts that have become so popular, ours are still the best experiences and continue to combine cannabis lifestyle with cannabis themed or inspired art and music […]
About the Lift Cannabis Expo We set out to create a landmark event for the Canadian cannabis market with our first Lift Expo in Toronto this past May. Having sold out the show to over 130 exhibitors from across North America and Europe more than two months out, we felt we were on the right track. Now that […]
Cannabis Science Conference pulls together cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, research scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers and interested novices. Our annual event is aimed at improving cannabis science. Join us in Portland, Oregon, for an exciting conference with keynotes, presentations, round table discussions and exhibits.
Portland’s annual Hempstalk Harvest Festival in Portland, Oregon advocates decriminalization of marijuana for medicinal, industrial, and recreational use. Founded in 2005 by The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation, the festival takes place on September 24- 25, and features food vendors, live music, guest speakers and information booths. This public event has always been free to attend, […]
Join us in Lake Michigan for another regional installment of The Secret Cup for 2016, this one is a CAMPING CUP! These camping style of events have become my very favorite, the location is on the LAKE in Michigan and its a private resort! There are tennis courts and cabins and all kinds of goodness. […]
The State of Marijuana is a landmark event in Southern California that gathers influential entrepreneurs, advocates, investors and government officials across multiple focused panel discussions and business workshops. In 2015, we assembled an all star panel discussion with the authors of the MMRSA and the regulators that will expand the law into thousands of pages […]
CHAMPS TRADE SHOWS is widely recognized as the largest and most trusted counter-culture trade show in the world. Since 1999, CHAMPS has hosted the premier exhibitors in the industry and […]