Latest Past Events

Las Vegas HempFest-Las Vegas, NV

Craig Ranch Regional Park Las Vegas

The 4th HEMPFEST Las Vegas April 1st, 12 noon to midnight. HEMPFEST Las Vegas linking you to the future.We respect the pioneers who paved the way, but we are more focused on bringing you the MMJ heroes of today and the future. Your HEMPFEST Las Vegas host’s for April 1st 2017 are HighTimes senior editor […]

The 420 Games-Los Angeles, CA

Santa Monica Pier Santa Monica

Where: Santa Monica Pier When: Saturday, April 1st, 2017 | 8am – 2pm at The Pier North Lot 1 Come join The 420 Games as we hold our SECOND ANNUAL LOS ANGELES […]

The Hemp & Cannabis Fair-Salem, OR

Oregon State Fair & Expo Center Salem

THC FAIR ROLLS INTO SALEM! Join us for a celebration of legal marijuana! You'll find hemp and cannabis products, accessories and tools, grow and harvest equipment and more in our […]