Latest Past Events

Indo Expo-Denver, CO 2016

Denver Mart Denver

INDO EXPO has the HomeTown advantage with an unrivaled First Quarter B2B business platform & solution. Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse: Production, Processing, Retail.  Seminars, Workshops, Demonstrations. 200+ exhibitors, 1000’s of buyers, owners, master growers, decision makers and more.  Join us. SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH 2017 10am-6pm Business to Business ONLY (B2B) SUNDAY, JANUARY 29TH 2017 10am-4pm Industry Professionals General […]

The Secret Cup: Las Vegas Finals & Award Show

Las Vegas Convention Center Las Vegas

EVENT DETAILS Join us in LAS VEGAS again for the FINALS!  We are waiting to do our event in January for a couple reasons.  First, out of respect for the other events as well as the more important time you will want to share with your families over the holidays. As such, we are also […]

Local Sesh-San Diego, CA

Undisclosed Location San Diego

About Local Sesh: Local Sesh provides entertaining and educational events which cater to the local Cannabis patient community. We organize regular events in San Diego and Southern California to unify local collectives, medical marijuana advocates, and industry professionals with CA Patients. ​Sponsors/Exhibitors Local Sesh is a great experience for any cannabis related business, advocate and/or […]