Monica Lewinsky Has Cannabis Strain Named After Her

Monica Lewinsky rs mgretailer

Cannabis producers Sugarleaf recently surprised one-time Clinton White House aide Monica Lewinsky with her own namesake strain of cannabis. Yesterday, Lewinski tweeted a photo of jar containing flower, labeled with Sugarleaf’s branded Monica Lewinsky hybrid.

“Guys!” she tweeted, followed by several wide-eyed and finger-pointing emoji. Later, in the comments chain on her tweet, Lewinsky humorously quipped, “I said to someone this morning that I need to have party just for the party favors.”


Located in Washington State’s Skagit Valley, Sugarleaf produces some thirty strains of cannabis, and Lewinsky’s strain has been available since 2016. According to a year-old article on blog 2020Solutions, Sugarleaf utilizes an “aquaponics,” system to grow their crops. This system sets up a biological cycle that uses water from fishponds to irrigate plants, providing natural nutritional supplementation from fish waste.

Other products manufactured by Sugarleaf include hot and cold-process rosin (produced without solvents), dry-sifted kief, pressed hash, and Golden Nuggets, which are flower nuggets coated in rosin and kief. Their products are available at various locations in Washington State.

Sugarleaf representatives were unavailable for comment at the time of this posting, so no word on why the strain was dedicated to Lewinsky.

Since her infamous stint in the White House during the Clinton Administration, Lewinsky has become an author, television personality, fashion designer, and anti-bullying advocate.
