Cannabis Industry Leaders Gather in L.A. for Double Barrel B2B Panel

Double Barrel Panel fea mgretailer-3

Double Barrel, the world’s first dual-chamber vaporizer for the sophisticated-yet-overlooked connoisseur brought together an audience of top brands, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders at L.A. dispensary, The Pottery, hosted by Mr. Sherbinski, founder of Sherbinskis and curator of renowned cannabis genetics, to discuss the evolution of cannabis culture and regulations, seven months in to legal recreational cannabis consumption in California.

“California’s commercial cannabis regulations and guidelines, licensing process, product testing, packaging requirements, and state deadlines have forced many of the smaller companies and growers out of the market. We knew a discussion was needed to address what’s happening in real time. We’re proud to have brought together such a high caliber audience to do just that,” said Double Barrel spokesperson Ann Skalski.


“This panel was important to me because it pulled together leaders in our industry and we were able to talk about the issues that are important to all of us, and relevant now, with what’s going on in the regulated California cannabis market. A thought-provoking dialogue between leaders in the industry is what helps forge the path forward to compliance and safe access,” said Mr. Sherbinski.

Attorney Ariel Clark_mgretailerIn addition to Mr. Sherbinski, panelists included cannabis journalist Ricardo Baca, industry intelligence provider BDS Analytics California Regional Director Tamar Maritz, Clark Neubert LLP and L.A. Cannabis Task Force founder Ariel Clark, and managing editor of Brian Farmer.

Together, the panelists addressed growing concerns about surviving new regulation requirements, touched on the responsibility media plays in covering cannabis, and discussed ways commercialization is poised to impact cannabis culture and long-time cannabis entrepreneurs. Companies in attendance included executives from top-performing cannabis brands, including dosist, Weedmaps, Eaze, Blunt Talks, Blaze Retail, and Abstrax.

“A significant portion of existing operators in the California cannabis industry find themselves at a crossroads. Well-capitalized companies and funds continue to make their way into the industry at an accelerating rate, and existing operators have to make a choice: struggle to keep their piece of the pie, or raise capital, consolidate and sell now, or get pushed out by financially-backed and experienced new entrants. Companies should keep an eye on the shifting market and up their game to ensure they make it through these turbulent times,” said BDS Analytics’ Maritz.

(Photos: Courtesy Greenlane and The Pottery x Gray Area Agency)
