Cannabolish Announces A Terpene-Based Solution For A Terpene-Based Problem

lavender Cannabolish products purple background with sprays and a candle there is brown wrapping around all the purple product containers

LOS ANGELES — Cannabolish, a plant based, non-toxic formulation that absorbs cannabis odors announced that its products are available online and nationwide. Cannabolish’s odor eliminating formulation is made from natural plant oils and water, and comes in a spray, candle and gel in wintergreen and now, lavender scents. Cannabolish’s parent company, OMI Industries has nearly 30 years of experience creating products that safely remove odors across a variety of industrial, commercial, and consumer markets.

Cannabolish addresses scents and odors by using a science-based formula to absorb and remove odors without using toxic ingredients. Cannabolish works by first adsorbing the odor molecule with the Cannabolish droplet. Once the odor molecule is in the droplet, the odor is under control. In addition, simple reactions can take place between the odors and Cannabolish resulting in total neutralization. Because the vapor bonds to the odor molecules, the spray neutralizes scents emitted, rather than simply masking them. It is a simple yet complex solution resulting in the odor control of cannabis smoke and works in any setting; from one’s car to their home, hotel rooms to apartments.


“Cannabolish’s patented formula is unique because it completely neutralizes the odorous and toxic chemicals found in cannabis smoke and can be used safely both indoors and out,” said Dr. Laura Haupert., Director of Research and Development at OMI Industries, the parent company of Cannabolish. “We’re proud to provide cannabis enthusiasts with a more effective, safer, and environmentally friendly cannabis odor remover.”

By fighting terpenes with terpenes and through rigorous testing, the Cannabolish formulations were developed to be the best in the industry at neutralizing odors and improving the quality of life of those that use it.

The Cannabolish product range includes a spray, a candle, and odor eliminating gel. The spray is priced at $11.99 while the candle is $14.99 and the gel is $15.99. Cannabolish’s range now comes in lavender. Cannabolish’s products can be purchased at and are available in over 1,000 retail locations across the U.S. and Canada, including Amazon and Bed, Bath & Beyond. For more information, please visit
