Forte Ops Launches Forte SOPs


LOS ANGELES – Forte Ops LLC announced today that they were launching Forte SOPs, a new online platform that includes hundreds of expert-written cannabis retail standard operating procedures (SOPs) and tools, covering every aspect of cannabis retail operations from opening your doors in the morning to closing up at night and everything in between.
Forte SOPs will officially launch at MJBizCon 2022 in Las Vegas on November 16. They will be offering 30% off to cannabis retailers that request a demo at their booth (#502).
Forte SOPs is the result of a collaboration between Cure8, the leading cannabis IT services provider, and The Grown Group, a leading cannabis retail consulting firm.
In developing Forte SOPs, Forte Ops LLC has worked closely with its launch partners both inside and outside the cannabis space, including Microsoft, Dutchie, Solink, and Alpine IQ.
What Are Cannabis Retail SOPs?
For the unfamiliar, SOPs are written, step-by-step instructions on how to complete a frequently repeated task. Cannabis retail SOP examples include completing a transaction, checking IDs at the door, receiving vendor deliveries, destroying cannabis, and fulfilling online orders.
Cannabis retailers are required by law to submit SOPs in order to receive a license in most states. SOPs help retailers maintain compliance, train workers more efficiently, ensure a consistent customer experience, and scale their business with greater ease.
For new cannabis retailers, developing hundreds of SOPs can be a daunting task. Oftentimes, new license owners do not have cannabis retail experience. Furthermore, they do not always have the time to research, develop, and write SOPs while working through other aspects of the licensing and launch process.
Once cannabis retailers have obtained their licenses, they cannot simply file their SOPs away somewhere. SOPs guide day-to-day operations, and need to be readily and easily accessible to everyone in the business, while at the same time need to be stored in such a way that they cannot be easily lost, deleted, altered, or stolen.
The Forte SOPs Platform
Forte SOPs helps cannabis retailers throughout the United States launch quickly and easily, maintain compliance, ensure a consistent customer experience across locations, and scale their businesses faster and more efficiently.
The software comes in four different subscription plans, all of which give clients access to a secure online portal preloaded with hundreds of cannabis retail SOPs. Each client gets their own private portal.
The SOPs cover all areas of cannabis retail operations including:






Inventory Management
All the SOPs in Forte have been developed or reviewed under the guidance of Brytany Melville, a leading cannabis retail expert and owner of the Grown Group consulting firm, and in conjunction with Forte’s launch partners.
Forte SOPs has been built by Cure8 on the Microsoft SharePoint platform, one of the world’s leading and most flexible business collaboration platforms. This allows Forte to leverage SharePoint’s best-in-class security, account and identity management, single-sign-on, version control, and reliability features, including 99.99% uptime.
The higher-level plans of Forte SOPs include upgrades such as:
Custom-written SOPs

Phone support

Dedicated account reps

Onsite support
Forte SOPs is just the start for Forte Ops LLC. The company is currently developing an even more comprehensive operations management platform for cannabis retail environments, which will incorporate communications modules and additional software partners and cannabis verticals.
Cannabis retailers can learn more about Forte SOPs by visiting
