Hawaii Approves Second Cannabis Lab

Hawaii rs mgretailer

(PRESS RELEASE) KAUAI, Hawaii—Pharmlab Hawaii, LLC, passed final inspections this week from the Hawaii Deportment of Health (DOH), giving the private laboratory testing facility provisional certification to being medical cannabis testing on the island of Maui.

From the state’s local ABC affiliate KITV:


“Pharmlab Hawaii is the second laboratory to receive DOH approval for medical cannabis testing. The first laboratory, Steep Hill Hawaii, received its provisional certificate in July. DOH anticipates that a third company, Oahu-based Aeos Labs, which is operated by Clinical Labs of Hawaii, could be ready for an on-site inspection by January 2018.

“…’With a certified laboratory now on Maui, dispensaries will no longer have to transport cannabis samples to Oahu for testing, which could potentially reduce costs and allow for faster approval time,’ says Wanda Chang, DOH environmental health analytic services branch chief. ‘Dispensaries also now have a choice of laboratories for testing cannabis plant material.'”

“To receive certification, a laboratory must submit validation studies to demonstrate it is capable of conducting testing with consistent and accurate results for the following areas: cannabinoid profile, including tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); compounds that are considered active ingredients; heavy metals such as arsenic, pesticides, solvents, moisture content, microbial contaminants, intestinal bacteria and pathogens; dangerous molds that can cause infection and disease; and toxins produced by molds. In addition, a laboratory must meet the accreditation standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).”

Effectively regulating cannabis commerce has proven to be a challenging process for most states, and Hawaii has been no different. Fortunately for the industry, Hawaiian officials have been rather proactive at the obstacles facing marijuana businesses, even stepping in to establish an alternative banking service as federal law continues to unnecessarily hinder state-regulated cannabis entrepreneurs. Despite the regulatory hurdles, the growing pains are ultimately worth it for the state. With the island paradise soon to allow cannabis dispensaries the ability to  provide medicine to all medical patients traveling to the Aloha State, the future is bright for the state’s cannabis community.

Want to test out Hawaii’s medical cannabis for yourself? There will be no other better event to learn about what is happening for cannabis in Hawaii and around the globe, than at the International Cannabis Business Conference (ICBC) on the beautiful island of Kauai, Hawaii, this December 1-3, 2017. Get your early bird tickets today before prices go up!
