High (Un)Employment: Vangst 2020 Virtual Career Fair

Vangst will host its 2020 Virtual Career Fair in October.

DENVER – With the US unemployment rate at the worst it’s been since the Great Depression, many Americans are looking for new job positions, and many are re-considering their career paths, thinking of pivoting to a different industry. Between this year and 2024, estimates state the cannabis industry will create nearly 250,000 new full-time jobs. As one of the fastest growing industries in the country, if you’ve never thought about working in weed before, now is certainly the time. 

Vangst, the cannabis industry’s leading recruitment platform, will be hosting the 2020 Virtual Career Fair next month. With over 3000 job seekers and over 50 cannabis industry leaders expected to join from all over the country, including top players like Cresco Labs, LeafLink, Flowhub, and Native Roots, the event is the year’s best opportunity for leading cannabis businesses to connect with top talent. 


The two-day Main Stage track will feature educational content and will include panels from the leading voices in the cannabis field on the most important issues driving the industry. The two-day Vangst Stage track will offer free, live guidance and advice to job-seekers on a variety of cannabis recruitment-related topics, from resume and interview prep, to cannabis industry speak, to career-specific Q&As. Throughout the event, job seekers will be able to interact with each company’s virtual booth via in-booth conversations and chats in virtual networking hubs.

In partnership with Last Prisoner Project, the event will also host a social equity networking space, designed to empower candidates to connect with unique social equity and employment programs offered by employers, advocacy groups, and volunteer organizations who are participating in the event.

The event will take place on Wednesday, October 21st and Thursday, October 22nd virtually. You can find more info on the landing page here.
