Fifty Shades of Green: Cooking with Cannabis

Fifty Shades of Green mg magazine
Fifty Shades of Green mg magazine

In Fifty Shades of Green: Cooking with Cannabis, herbalist and natural healer Deborah Champlin gives readers a crash course in the beneficial uses of cannabis. She devotes much of her knowledge to offering readers a discussion of how the herb works in the medical context, how to prepare it for ingestion, and how to create therapeutic doses. She provides detailed information on weights and measures, as well as the tools and equipment needed to make elixirs and concentrates.

You also get a hands-on cookbook complete with recipes for everything from hot sauce and pesto to soufflés and desserts. With every dish, the goal is not getting high. Deborah focuses on the correct amount of cannabis needed to relieve pain, inflammation, and suffering. Dive into this lighthearted yet comprehensive look at one of nature’s most effective remedies. Purchase on
