Sacramento Officials to Vote on Recreational Marijuana Tuesday

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A vote by the Sacramento City Council on recreational marijuana is set for Tuesday. The city is expected to recommend that current medical marijuana dispensaries be the first to sell recreationally.

Many, including Joe Devlin, Sacramento’s Chief of Cannabis Policy and Enforcement, want to see unlicensed dispensaries operating ethically to have a chance to transition into the legal market.


“What we’re proposing is the establishment of a small business kind of support center that will help what are likely existing illegal cannabis businesses, manufacturers and help them transition into that legal marketplace,” Devlin said according to Capital Public Radio.

If approved, the city will cap the number of legal marijuana dispensaries at 30. A lottery system will be used to determine the 30 license holders.

Last week, the City Council approved an increase in staff dedicated to overseeing marijuana regulations and enforcement. The total staff comprised of police officers, administrative staff, and code enforcers will total 54 individuals.

California residents approved Prop. 64 and the recreational use of marijuana in November of 2016. Cities all over the state are currently debating how to roll out their regulations or to ban them altogether. Recreational sales in California are supposed to start on January 1, but many expect delays of sales in many areas as regulations are finalized.
