Organa Brands Launches Cannabis PSA Campaign on Airport TSA Bins

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Cannabis manufacturing company Organa Brands has launched a campaign to help advise airport travelers with a public service advertisement on the bottom of security checkpoint bins. Featuring Organa Brands product logos and a message to travelers, the ad advises them not to travel with marijuana, if leaving California, a legal state.

“”When we first came up with the plan, we thought there was no chance that the airport or the TSA would ever approve us running a PSA in this space,” said Organa Brands Director of Marketing Brittany Hallett. “We are still so amazed to see them in use at the airport.”


“The message the trays carry is an important one,” she added. “We’re very excited for the public to have better access to this information as we move into a newly recreational market in California. We first got the idea after seeing a dating app advertised in the Denver airport, and reached out to the only company that offers the ad space. Security Point Media holds the patent on the tray, so they were key in helping us move this project forward.”

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) told the Los Angeles Times that while their officers are not looking for marijuana, but if an incident occurs and marijuana is found, they must report it to law enforcement. With recreational marijuana sales scheduled to launch in California, in January, and widening decriminalization in other states, Organa Brands co-founder Jeremy Heidl said in the same article that the company’s goal is to “normalize” legal cannabis, as well as sending a responsible message.

The ads were placed by Security Point Media, which owns a patent on security checkpoint bin systems, and also sells ad space on the bins. Airport authorities must approve any advertising that appears.
