Jeff Sessions Makes Conflicting Marijuana Statements, Again

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Attorney General Jeff Sessions caused more confusion and angst within the marijuana industry today with comments that seem to be at odds with each other.

Jeff Sessions continues his streak of making outlandish comments regarding marijuana. Over the course of the past few weeks, Sessions admitted to knowing little about the science of marijuana, linked it with violence, and now claims that marijuana is only slightly less dangerous than heroin.

“I realize this may be an unfashionable belief in a time of growing tolerance of drug use. But too many lives are at stake to worry about being fashionable. I reject the idea that America will be a better place if marijuana is sold in every corner store. And I am astonished to hear people suggest that we can solve our heroin crisis by legalizing marijuana – so people can trade one life-wrecking dependency for another that’s only slightly less awful. Our nation needs to say clearly once again that using drugs will destroy your life,” he said today, during a speech on violent crime in Richmond, Virginia.


So is Jeff Sessions coming for your marijuana? Not so fast. While he took yet another opportunity to let America know that he really really hates weed, at the same time he suggested that an imminent crackdown is not coming.

“The Cole Memorandum set up some policies under President Obama’s Department of Justice about how cases should be selected in those states and what would be appropriate for federal prosecution, much of which I think is valid,” Sessions told reporters. He also indicated that the Justice Department does not have the resources to launch an all out war on state-regulated marijuana programs.

In conclusion, Sessions continues to amp up the anxiety of patients and business owners with some of his statements, and he has yet to provide a coherent policy on the Justice Department’s stance on marijuana.
