UK Police Have Fun With Cannabis Grower

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Screen Shot 2017 07 10 at 11.25.52 AM

Thames Valley officers left an interesting note after seizing the plants from an illegal cannabis grow.

After a century of aggressively pursuing cannabis, perhaps law enforcement has finally absorbed some mellow vibes from the plant.

In Thames Valley, which is part of Oxford England, police had a bit of fun with a cannabis grow they discovered. Last week, officers discovered the plants and quickly moved to “seize and destroy” the crop.


But it seems that the Thames Valley was in a festive mood. Officers apologized for not being able to greet the grower in person. However, they encouraged the grower to contact them  directly and left a note.

“Ooops! Sorry we missed each other but feel free to call me on 101 so we can discuss a deal. Lots of love, TVP xx,” the note read.

The note was a hit on twitter. Many seemed amused and praised the way the officers handled the situation.

While cannabis remains illegal in most places around the world, it is increasingly becoming an issue that law enforcement is reluctant to spend major time, resources, and money combatting. The note from the Thames Valley Police seems to the newest example of how law enforcement is starting to view cannabis.
