‘Rally for Kids with Cancer’ Gala Brings Support to Pediatric Cannabis Meds

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The Rally for Kids with Cancer gala, hosted by medical cannabis research organization SavingSophie.org last week, had a photo finish after being delayed several weeks by Los Angeles’ Bel Air fires. Held at a Bel Air estate, the fundraiser featured an auction, among other fun activities.

“The Rally for Kids with Cancer is going to be an event that will usher us into the much-needed world of pediatric cannabis education and research,” Saving Sophie founder Tracy Ryan commented after the event.


“The love and support we are receiving has been nothing short of breathtaking. I have no doubt we will reach our event goals that will take us one step closer to making our dreams a reality. It’s time to end the suffering in those stricken by disease, and this event gives the community at large the ability to be a part of this journey alongside us,” she said.

Special guests included namesake patient Sophie Ryan, daughter of Tracy, who benefits from the use of cannabis oil therapy for a nonmalignant cancer called optical pathway glioma. Diagnosed before turning one-year old, Sophie was the inspiration for Ryan to found an organization that researches the benefits of cannabis oil treatment on cancer and other serious conditions, including autism and epilepsy.

Sophie currently accompanies Tracy, whenever possible, to speak on cannabis-related issues at conferences around the U.S., and is in grade school. Her cancer treatment continues; the Ryans–and increasing medical opinion–attribute Sophie’s stabilized condition to the use of cannabis oil.

Actor Billy Baldwin was also in attendance at the gala, and helped emcee part of the festivities.

The event raised more than $250,000 for the nonprofit. Sponsors included EnPlug, Good Greek Grill, Jane’s Edibles, Monopoly Media, Swing Ambiance, Moreno, Rivera Productions, and Sim Chic.

On May 18 and 19, SavingSophie.org will host a two-day Rally for Kids with Cancer event, where seven charity teams have pledged to raise $25,000 in donations for Saving Sophie. The event will kick off with a gala Celebrity Draft Party, to be held poolside at The Roosevelt Hotel, in Hollywood, California. For more information, visit SavingSophie.org.

Photos courtesy of SavingSophie.org, Daniela Rey of Picsea, and Creative Design Loft.
