Boston Hemp Inc Expanding Further into Delta-8 THC Market

white background and dark green logo the boston city scape is above the words boston hemp inc and below the words is a cannabis leaf

BOSTON — Boston Hemp Inc. Is pleased to announce the significant expansion into the Delta-8 hemp market. The company has added 25% more Delta-8 products, pushing the offerings to over 50 products.

Delta-8 is a hemp derived cannabinoid that is said to have similar effects to traditional cannabis. Many customers have found that they experience a “high”, but it is lesser than with use of traditional cannabis. Users of the product have said that Delta-8 hemp has helped with appetite, anxiety and depression.


Because Delta-8 is derived from a Sativa hemp plant with less than 0.3% Delta 9 THC, it is classified as legal under the 2018 Farm Bill and can be sold online and shipped anywhere in the United States. Boston Hemp Inc. now offers a full range of Delta-8 hemp products including flower, vapes, tinctures, edibles and waxes.

Boston Hemp Inc. is a full-service retail dispensary and online retailer of craft hemp and CBD products. They take pride in offering the highest quality and latest products in the CBD and hemp marketplace. Located in Hanover, Massachusetts they service their customers at their convenient retail location where customers can walk in shop and through their online hemp and CBD superstore,

“We are excited to be part of the hemp and CBD movement. We believe our products are helping people live a healthier lifestyle that is free from pain, anxiety and depression. With the addition of Delta-8 products we hope to better compete in a market that is quickly growing and to meet the demands of our customers” said Brandon Gadles, CEO of Boston Hemp Inc.

To read more about the buzz associated with Delta-8 hemp products from Boston Hemp Inc., please read a recent blog post, Delta-8. What’s all the buzz about?
