Pre-Rolls Get the SpaceX Treatment with Helmand Valley Growers Company’s Chillums

close up photo of someone's hands pulling a HVGC product out of a pocket on a jacket with the letters H V G C printed above the pocket

San Diego, CA – Helmand Valley Growers Company is releasing their new, pre-packed, eco-friendly Chillums — aka the future of pre-rolls. So, what are Chillums? The first of its kind for a non-profit in California, Chillums are pre-packed, pharmaceutical grade borosilicate glass pipes that are made in America. These pipes will transport you to the future and allow you to experience a variety of cannabis.

Each Chillum comes pre-packed with THC diamond dust flower available in three different strains (Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid). But, once you have finished the flower, the fun isn’t over! As HVGC likes to say, “Recap, Reuse, Recycle!” An airtight cap cuts out airflow inside the load chamber, preserving the integrity of terpenes, flavonoids, and cannabinoids. Instead of wasting paper on rolling your own, or all the plastic that comes with pre-rolls, HVGC’s glass Chillums can be refilled with any flower of your choice so you can keep chilling. And the best part? Chillums are engineered to provide 7 – 15 meaningful hits per use and can even be used on bongs with an adapter that acts as a filter layer for keeping bongs clean.


Even as HVGC launches pre-rolls into the future, they are still committed to the present because 100% of the profits will go to the Battle Brothers Foundation, which will help fund studies on how cannabis can help treat PTS and pain in veterans, while taking a holistic approach to helping soldiers return to civilian life.

There’s no better product to have in hand this Memorial Day, into the summer and beyond. Chillums and other HVGC products can be found throughout California. HVGC’s Chillums retail for about $20 and a full list of dispensaries can be found here.
