ResponsiTech joins Cannabis Business Leaders to Lobby Congress for Smart Solutions

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REDONDO BEACH, Calif. — Technological solutions to restrict youth access are a critical component for the safe expansion of cannabis legalization.

That’s the message ResponsiTech will be delivering to Congressional representatives on May 21-23 when business leaders from the cannabis industry travel to Washington DC.


Over the course of three days, the legal cannabis industry through the National Cannabis Industry Association (NCIA) will be meeting with representations of the federal government to present the case for federal reform to drug laws.

As a member of NCIA, ResponsiTech will be attending those lobby days to ensure that lawmakers hear about the efforts in place to  prevent youth access.

Currently, there is a patchwork of different laws across the country as some states have already legalized medical or adult-use cannabis, and others look into doing so. At the federal level, however, outdated prohibition of cannabis is causing problems for a rapidly growing part of the US economy, particularly with respect to banking and tax laws.

One key component of federal reform to cannabis laws, however, will be in ensuring that policymakers and legislators can be confident that legalization will not lead to a spike in youth access.

ResponsiTech has developed a suite of youth safety technology and services that will enable a legal cannabis industry to thrive while ensuring that illicit youth access is restricted.

Among those solutions are: an industry standard parental filtering label so youth will be blocked from even accessing websites,  a state-of-the-art verification technology that respects privacy while ensuring that only those above a specific age are verified; and age-restricted ad-buying and best practices so that youth is not accidentally targeted by marketing campaigns.

These along with other solutions not only allow the cannabis industry to focus on its core business but will also give lawmakers peace of mind that any concerns over youth access is being taken seriously by a self-regulating and responsible cannabis industry.

The lobby days will include a press conference with business leaders and members of Congress at the House Triangle on Wednesday, May 23 at 9:30 AM EDT.

ResponsiTech Co-Founder & CEO Joan Irvine who has involved in youth safety technology since 2002 will be available to the media at that conference and the preceding day to answer any queries.

Responsible Internet Technology Company (ResponsiTech) provides a broad range of youth safety technology and services including state-of-the art age verification technology and age-restricted ad-buying services. ResponsiTech assists companies in restricting illicit youth access and demonstrates the industry’s ability to self-regulate and comply with government restrictions with regards to youth safety. It helps shelter its members from regulatory threats, providing best practices for the industry at large.
