5 Top New Non-Psychoactive Cannabis Products for January

marley natural hemp body salve cropped 1024x1024
marley natural hemp body salve cropped 1024x1024

1) Marley Natural Hemp Seed Body Salve

Continuing in the company’s tradition of innovative body care products, this super rich emollient absorbs easily into your skin, delivering intense moisturization and nourishment. Infused with hemp seed and coconut oils, ginger, peppermint, and rosemary. (MarleyNatural.com)

Humboldt Harvest CBD Cannabis Elixir, non-psychoactive, products, tinctures 2) Humboldt Harvest CBD Cannabis Elixir

Containing 225mg of CBD per bottle of ninety doses, this non-psychoactive tincture is made from Coconut MCT oil, mint extract, and organic CO2 oil. Available in mint and coconut flavors. (HumboldtHarvestMedicinals.com)


Bhutan CBD Mendo Tinctures, products, non-psychoactive 3) Bhutan CBD Mendo Tinctures

Made from a non-psychoactive formula using cannabis strains with a CBD:THC ratio of 20:1 and higher. Every bottle contains 10mg CBD, allowing patients to self-titrate accurately. Available in lemon, cinnamon, peppermint, and original flavors. All ingredients are organic. (BhutanWellbeing.org)

Treatwell, tinctures, products, non-psychoactive 4) TreatWell 20:1 High CBD Tincture

TreatWell Tinctures are made with full plant extract combined with MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil derived from coconuts. MCT oil has nutritional benefits and energy enhancing properties; it is rapidly absorbed by the body and quickly metabolized. The tinctures can be applied under the tongue or put into a beverage. Non-psychoactive , and best for neurological issues, minor soreness, and mild inflammation. (TreatWellHealth.com)

Nature Nurse Transdermal CBD, non-psychoactive 5) Nature Nurse Transdermal CBD Patch

Crafted from high-potency hemp CBD and formulated to deliver a 40mg dose of CBD over twenty-four to forty-eight hours, the patch provides a rich source of antioxidant and neuro-protectant properties. Hemp CBD appears to support the endocannabinoid system and assist in obtaining and maintaining systematic wellness. (NatureNurseHealth.com)

