Cannabis Dispensary Visitor Profiles

Enlightened cannabis Dispensary Visitor Profiles mg Magazine mgretailer-1
(Photo: Diana Aishe / Unsplash)

Enlighten is known for its widespread utilization in the cannabis industry. Our SmartHub platform is the leading solution for things like in-store TV menus, drive-thru menus and kiosks. It powers the world’s largest cannabis companies, saving them millions and driving cart totals higher. 

Our AdSuite product enables both brands and dispensaries to reach millions of known cannabis consumers in-store and on web and mobile. It requires no contracts, no minimums, no cancellations, and no pushy salesperson. 


Data and Intelligence is the other pillar of our business. We sit at the intersection of retail inventory and transaction data as well as advertising and marketing data. This gives us a very unique perspective to do things that others simply cannot.

Enlightened cannabis Dispensary products in out mg Magazine mgretailer-6
(Illustration: Enlighten)

Utilizing our location-based data we have conducted an analysis of the modern cannabis customer. The analysis consists of ninety days of traffic data from roughly 5,500 cannabis retailers across the country. Some of the results will surprise you, and others not so much. If you would like to learn more about your customers or competition, we have a wide array of business intelligence reports we can put together. Additionally we can provide you the ability to target these known cannabis consumers using our AdSuite platform. 

Before we begin. I find these types of reports to be terribly boring, so I thought I would make this one worth the read.

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor age range mg Magazine mgretailer-2
(Illustration: Enlighten)

This chart shows the age of customers indexed against their frequency at other shopping destinations. If the number is higher than 1, they frequent cannabis retailers more than other shopping experiences in which that age group typically engages. If the number is lower than 1, they visit less frequently than other destinations. Looks like seniors are smoking way more grass than they want you to realize. I think I’m going to raid my dad’s sock drawer this Christmas.

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor Profiles 2 mg Magazine mgretailer
(Illustration: Enlighten)

Canna-tourism is far bigger than you probably thought. People traveling have decided cannabis dispensaries are just as much fun as other touristy locations. Both the rich and the well educated seem to have taken a liking as well. Just as you might expect, students still turn to cannabis. Other research I have seen actually indicates they are turning away from alcohol. Long gone are the days of holding your girlfriend’s hair. Now she wants you to make her some brownies or a pizza or a brownie pizza with whipped cream and…never mind.

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor devices mg Magazine mgretailer-9
(Illustration: Enlighten)

No big surprises here with the type of phones cannabis consumers carry. This aligns closely with the device distribution in the general population.

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor content preferences mg Magazine mgretailer-8
(Illustration: Enlighten)

Apparently, when we aren’t hitting the bong we are hitting the weights and the gym. That’s not really a surprise, though. As I mentioned earlier, cannabis consumers appear more educated and affluent than the average consumer and these types of people tend to give their health and fitness a higher priority than do less-educated or -affluent types.

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor distance traveled mg Magazine mgretailer-4
(Illustration: Enlighten)

Just how far will you drive to get your Scooby snacks? With dispensary counts reaching 8,000 already, it’s also not surprising more than half of consumers don’t have to travel more than three miles to get their cannabis.

Standard breakdowns you see from virtually all cannabis demographics sources:

Enlighten cannabis Dispensary Visitor demographics mg Magazine mgretailer-5
(Illustration: Enlighten)

Now we look at a few other shopping habits of cannabis buyers. Where do they stay? Where do they eat? What do they drive?

Enlighten brand affinity mg Magazine mgretailer-3
(Illustration: Enlighten)

This is just a small snacky-snack of the available business intelligence reports . Don’t you think it’s time to take a bite of the steak? Or better yet, use this information to drive more store traffic and pump those rookie numbers up.

Jeremy Jacobs Enlightened CEO mg Magazine mgretailer Jeremy Jacobs is co-founder and chief executive officer at Enlightened. Marketer, technologist, entrepreneur, investor, and official member of the young entrepreneur council, he enjoys business networking, marketing strategies, product development, problem solving, innovation, and shaping the future. If a topic is marketing-, technology-, or energy-related, he probably is intimately familiar with it.


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