Find Fun, Safety, Flavor With THC Drinks Find Wunder

Find Wunder Best THC Drinks

THC drinks are positioned to offer consumers exactly what they want in a changing market: a chance to be safe, social, and discreet. Cannabis beverages have been around for a bit, but Find Wunder offers a pleasant twist: flavors independently judged best in class.

But flavor is far from the only benefit to Find Wunder. Infused beverages may carry fewer health risks and cause fewer side effects than alcohol.


Americans are ready to embrace a healthier alternative, according to Find Wunder co-founder and Chief Executive Officer Alexi Chialtas.

“We believe America is more than ready for THC drinks,” he said. “The statistics speak for themselves. A Gallup study on alcohol consumption showed 62 percent of adults under age thirty-five say they drink, down from 72 percent two decades ago.”

Another study Chialtas referenced highlights the rapid revenue growth for the non-alcoholic cannabis beverage category, which is projected to become a $3.8-billion market by 2030.

“This speaks to the demand for a better option than alcohol,” Chialtas said.

Market demand sparked an entrepreneurial goal for Chialtas. Several years ago, he stopped drinking alcohol and quickly realized how much alcoholic beverages impacted his sleep and overall health. Not only did he feel better after giving up liquor, but he also suspected he wasn’t alone in discovering the benefits of a “Cali-sober” lifestyle.

“I wondered what life would be like if people were turning in instead of tuning out with too much alcohol,” Chialtas recalled. “This wonder turned into a mission, a movement that allows us all to embrace healthier choices while seeking joyful experiences so that we can unwind when we need to, be present for what matters most, and show up as our best selves afterward.”

Infused beverages offer a Goldilocks choice: all of the benefits of cannabis without inhaling vapor or smoke, and none of the drawbacks of alcohol but with alcohol’s convenient, familiar form factor.


Chialtas said many people find cannabis beverages more appealing than edibles for one key reason.

“THC drinks hit faster and help you Find Wunder quicker,” he said. “The speed at which it hits really can act as a means to help you not drink too much.”

Since edibles can take anywhere from thirty minutes to several hours to deliver a complete impact, safety concerns come into play. In some situations, especially with inexperienced consumers, recommended edibles dosages can be easy to exceed. When a consumer doesn’t feel the expected effect quickly enough, they may be tempted to overconsume — setting up a potentially dangerous situation.

Find Wunder Nashville - Smoke Shop

During field tests in Nashville, consumers “found wonder” within seconds, expressing surprise about both the rapid onset and the “delicious” flavor of the THC drink.

Find Wunder - Nashville Mom

“Our dosages range between 5mg and 10mg of THC, and the effects don’t last as long as an edible so it is a much better option,” Chialtas said. “That is a huge difference between edibles and our THC drinks. They are not a traditional ‘edible.’ Yes, you ingest the drink, but it acts fast and the effects go away sooner than an edible. It’s a win/win scenario.”

Some who appreciate the benefits of cannabis want to partake in a social setting, and that’s not always possible with the plant. Find Wunder’s infused beverages do not have a distinctive cannabis aroma, and the attractive, traditional cans are discreet. They could just as easily contain a spiked seltzer.


According to Chialtas, infused drinks offer the social benefits of alcohol without the chaos — no slurred speech, no staggering or falling, and no hangover. During the Nashville field tests, consumers expressed delight at the relaxing sensations they experienced.

“THC drinks calm you down and facilitate a good, fun time,” Chialtas said. “They only promote the fun side of alcohol at the party. They don’t promote the fights and all-around destructive effects that alcohol has on some normal people. After a few drinks of alcohol, people can turn from nice to nasty and from happy to horrendous.”


Fun, safety, and a lack of negative behavioral effects are all attractive qualities in a recreational product, but Find Wunder’s standout impact is in its flavor. Both Find Wunder varieties, Sessions (5mg THC and 5mg CBD) and High Vibes (10mg THC), are low-calorie, low-sugar treats in intriguing flavors like Watermelon Basil, Lemon Lime, Blackberry Lemon, Blood Orange Bitters, and Grapefruit Hibiscus. For the fall season and the upcoming holidays, the company introduced special Fall Flavors and Thanksgiving Feast bundles.

FlavorFix was so impressed with the beverages’ taste, the site rated Find Wunder “best THC drink on the market.”

While some brands target the most experienced consumers, Chialtas wanted to offer something even novices and the cannacurious can enjoy.

“We were very intentional when we created Find Wunder,” he said. “We understand cannabis consumption is more of a journey than a destination. It’s important to start slow with all journeys like exercising, yoga, martial arts, and cannabis. We take pride in the range our drinks cover so people can graduate from one product to the next or manage how much THC they want to consume.”

Find Wunder products are available online at The company also offers a handy guide to help consumers find retail locations near them at The coupon code “MGMAG20” is good for a 20-percent discount.
