New Survey Indicates Strong Support Among Americans for Legalizing Home Cannabis Cultivation

Close up of a young marijuana plant in a pot. Cannabis home growing survey
Photo: Deep Roots / mg Magazine

NEW YORK – A recent national survey revealed a significant majority of Americans over the age of twenty-one support the legalization of cannabis cultivation at home, highlighting the disparity between current legislative policies and public opinion on the matter. Conducted by The Harris Poll on behalf of Royal Queen Seeds, a global cannabis seed bank, the study found 59 percent of respondents believe Americans should have the legal right to grow cannabis at home.

The survey — which gathered responses from more than 2,000 adults, including 713 cannabis consumers, in February — shed light on the growing acceptance and normalization of cannabis in the U.S. It also examined purchasing habits and opinions related to 4/20, colloquially known as the industry’s “high holy day” and traditionally the biggest revenue-generating day of the year.


Key findings from the survey include:

  • 81 percent of cannabis consumers advocate for the right to home cultivation.
  • 62 percent of cannabis consumers would prefer to grow their own cannabis rather than purchasing it.
  • A third of cannabis consumers who have engaged in home cultivation cite safety concerns with store-bought cannabis as their reason for growing their own.

The survey also explored the habits and motivations behind home cannabis cultivation.

  • Many Americans already grow their own food, with 40 percent of households engaged in some form of home cultivation, raising questions about the prohibition against growing cannabis.
  • Home growers report numerous benefits, including increasing their self-confidence (49 percent), joy (48 percent), pride (46 percent), and a deeper connection to nature (44 percent).
  • 43 percent of respondents find home cultivation more cost-effective, and 39 percent believe the quality of home-grown cannabis is superior to what is available in stores.

In addition, the study highlighted the cultural significance of cannabis cultivation, with 37 percent of Americans open to purchasing cannabis seeds as gifts for 4/20. Among cannabis consumers, this sentiment rises to 66 percent, with 81 percent planning to buy seeds for their personal use during the holiday.

The survey was conducted online within the United States from February 15-20, 2024, and has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percentage points at a 95-percent confidence level.

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