Successful Propagation Starts With Creating the Right Environment

seedling soil mg magazine SN
seedling soil mg magazine SN

All growing begins with propagation. Strong, healthy seedlings and clones determine whether a crop will become a record-breaker or a disappointment.

Successful propagation starts with creating the right environment—using the appropriate lights, achieving the right air temperature and humidity, and feeding young plants correctly. Seedlings and clones don’t require a lot of light; the output from a T-5 fluorescent is plenty. If you’re using a humidity dome while rooting your clones, spray the inside of the dome with plain water for the first couple of days to help increase the humidity. Keep the air temperature between 70 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.


Overfeeding and overwatering can be deadly for clones and seedlings, and both are very easy to do. While young roots are developing, feed plants whatever you normally use as a base nutrient but use a one-quarter strength formula. Some growers prefer to use a product specifically formulated for the needs of clones and seedlings.

Plants need nutrients even before they have roots, and they can absorb many essential elements through their leaves. Foliar feeding will keep clones and seedlings looking healthy and growing strong.

Once you have provided for your clones or seedlings during the early stages of growth, they will develop a strong root base and you will want to start thinking about transplanting them into bigger pots and providing them with a stronger light source as they grow into mature plants.

Starting your plants off right during their propagation stage will ensure success when harvest time arrives.

Chip Lennemann is the eastern U.S. brand manager for Hydrodynamics International. Since 1997, the company has been the exclusive North American manufacturer and distributor of Clonex.
