Temple Extracts Ultra-Pure Cannabis Oils Now Paired With PAX Era Pods

temple pax

Oil lovers will be pleased to hear that Temple Extracts has become a provider of Era Pods for PAX Labs’ PAX Era. The company is currently rolling out additive-free, strain-specific Sativa, Indica and Hybrid concentrate oils in PAX Era Pods to dispensaries throughout the state of California.

“It’s a perfect match for our extracts and we’re grateful for this opportunity,” said Temple Extracts co-founder Michael Bardin. “We’re truly excited for patients to experience our oils in such an advanced device.”


Among its many features, PAX Era pairs with the PAX Vapor App to enable users to adjust the temperature control, allowing them to enjoy Temple’s concentrate oil at their personal optimal preference. Additionally, the Era can be remotely locked via the app (a safety feature designed to keep device usage out of the wrong hands) directly from a phone or tablet. A full description of PAX Era features may be viewed at paxvapor.com.

The introduction of the PAX Era Pods is another step in Temple’s mission to provide the best product available. “We created oil that is organic, sustainable, ultra-pure and ultra-high quality, because we believe what we put in our bodies matters. We really have a genuine love, appreciation and passion for what we do,” said Temple Extracts co- founder David St. Clair. “This allows us another way to deliver a superior vaping experience.”
