11-Year Old Girl in Illinois Allowed to Medicate With Marijuana on School Grounds

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Chicago, Illinois– In what could become a landmark case, an 11-year old girl has won the right to use medical marijuana on school grounds.

Although medical marijuana is legal in Illinois, use on school property is not. Ashley Surin has become the only exception to this law. Surin was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of two. Extensive chemotherapy has caused lingering seizures. But medical marijuana has drastically reduced the frequency of the seizures.


“We’re amazed with her progress,” Maureen Surin told NPR.

As mg reported last week, Surin’s family has filed a lawsuit against Schaumburg School District 54 and the state of Illinois, arguing that the ban is in violation of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act.

At a recent federal court hearing in Chicago, Illinois Assistant Attorney General Thomas Ioppolo said that his office would allow school officials to administer medical marijuana to Surin without fear of prosecution. State and school officials, along with the family’s attorney will continue to work on a long-term plan for Surin.
