Cannabis Advent Calendar a Big Hit

Coast to Coast Advent calendar

Canadian cannabis delivery service company Coast-to-Coast is feeling the holiday spirit from overwhelming response to their cannabis advent calendar. Originally expecting to sell 30 calendars, the promotion now has prompted nearly 3,000 orders.

“We’ve sold 700 calendars and have close to 2000 people on the wait list. We were planning on doing 20 to 30,” Coast-to-Coast owner Lorilee Fedler said. “We are definitely surprised on the popularity of our calendar.”


Priced at $200-$230, the calendar is described on the company’s website: “Enjoy this adult version of classic Christmas advent calendar filled with cannabis products. Each day there will be something new to try. Our calendars are all custom-made when ordered, and will start to be shipped out November 21st, 2017.Available in three options: Flowers Only (26 grams), edibles Only (24 items), flowers (14 grams)/edibles (12 items) mixed.”

Inspired by an advent-themed beer sampler, the cannabis calendars are custom-made by Coast-to-Coast to guarantee freshness. Fedler said the customer response has been positive and now, the company is planning more promotions.

“We have something planned for Valentine’s Day and Easter so far,” Fedler detailed.

As reported by, public health officials have criticized the promotion for sending the wrong message about medical marijuana, and cannabis opponents have pointed out that samples contained in the product are unregulated and varying levels of THC, as well as exposure to pesticides or other contaminants may impact customers. Despite warnings, Coast-to-Coast customers (who must sign up for membership) continue to place orders.

At this point, Coast-to-Coast cannot guarantee delivery by December 1 (the traditional start of Advent) but still may be able to deliver the sampler by Christmas Day. For Canadian customers within their delivery area, Coast-to-Coast has other Christmas gifts available; they suggest texting or calling directly to have a custom-made item delivered.

An online review for the calendar read, “Received my calendar today and it’s absolutely amazing. Constructed well, and came with a bonus Christmas day envelope. Haven’t tried the products yet, obviously it isn’t December 1st yet but can’t wait. So glad I ordered one! Merry Christmas.”

Advent calendars used as promotional samplers are common in the food and beauty industries, and traditionally have featured a treat for every day of the countdown to Christmas, from December 1 to Christmas Eve. Other non-traditional advent calendars include the Master of Malt Scotch Whiskey Calendar, the Christmas Beard Oil Calendar, and the racy Love Magazine Online Advent Calendar.
