Dr. Oz: Medical Marijuana Could Fix Opioid Epidemic

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Dr. Oz, one of America’s most well-known physicians, thinks medical marijuana could be key in trying to reduce opioid addiction.

One drug is addictive, causes mass visits to the ER, and costs taxpayers billions. Another has shown to be effective against a long list of ailments, causes no physical addiction, and generates much-needed tax revenues and jobs. Guess which one is illegal?

On its current trajectory, the current opioid crisis does not seem to have an end in sight. But Dr. Mehmet Oz feels there may already be a solution out there.


“The real story is the hypocrisy around medical marijuana,” Dr. Oz said in an appearance on Fox News’ Fox and Friends. “People think it’s a gateway drug to narcotics. It may be the exit drug to get us out of the narcotic epidemic.”

Oz did not hold back his criticism of the federal government’s position on marijuana during his Fox and Friends segment.

“We’re not allowed to study it because it’s a Schedule I drug, and I personally believe it could help,” Oz said.

Oz has a relationship with President Donald Trump or least had one in the past. Last year, Trump appeared on Oz’s t.v. show to discuss the results of his physical with the doctor. It is an open secret that the president watches a great deal of cable news, especially the often pro-Trump Fox and Friends. Could Dr. Oz have been trying to talk as directly as he could with Trump?

The opinion from Oz is not isolated. Studies have shown that opioid abuse decreases in states that have legalized medical marijuana.

If medical marijuana were to become widely recognized as an effective exit drug for opioids, it could put the White House in a difficult position. Several key cabinet members, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions, are known critics of marijuana, even for medicinal use. However, President Trump often assured his base on the campaign trail that he was going to act to eliminate the opioid crisis.
