Marijuana Activist From NY Arrested in California

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Marijuana activist Dana Beal has been jailed in California over marijuana charges.

Dana Beal has a long history of marijuana activism. And unfortunately for him, he has now been incarcerated more than once over his activities.

Beal was arrested on Saturday night in a rural part of northern California approximately 100 miles south of the Oregon border, according to the New York Daily News.


Beal has been living in New York since being released from prison in 2014 after being convicted of transporting over 100 lbs of marijuana across the Nebraska state line in 2009, and over the Wisconsin border in 2011.

His friends are concerned about his health. Beal suffered a near-fatal heart attack while under police custody in 2011.

“He’s a cardiac patient, and interrupting his medicine could make him very, very sick. I’m afraid for his health,” friend and fellow New York activist Aton Edwards said.

Edwards referred to Beal as an “American Hero,” for his activist work on behalf of sick patients.

“He’s selfless. He still wears boots he’s had for 40 years. He’s a monk, he just doesn’t have a robe,” Edwards added.

Beal is a long time member of the activist group Youth International Party (YIP). Members of the group refer to each other as “Yippies.” Fellow Yippie, Aron Kay, echoed concerns over Beal’s health.

“He needs to get out. When he had his heart attack in the slammer, he almost died,” Kay said.

“I hope he gets a bail reduction to take care of his legal situation properly. You can’t do too much inside,” he said.

Beal is due for her first court appearance on Tuesday according to a spokesperson for the Trinity County District Attorney.
