Pennsylvania Gov. Wolf Criticizes Potential Federal Crackdown of Medical Marijuana

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Governor Wolf says federal interference on medical marijuana could “force more suffering.”

Criticism has been widespread after the House Committee on Rules blocked a vote on the Rohrabacher-Blumenauer amendment, which is seen as one of the primary protections medical marijuana patients and caregivers have from federal prosecution.

Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Wolf, has joined those who have come out against the House committee’s decision.


“Unfortunately, the Trump administration seems intent on impeding those suffering, including children and veterans, from getting the relief that is available to them,” Wolf said according to “Failure to pass this amendment will force more suffering on some of our most vulnerable constituents. I urge you to support the Rohrabacher amendment to ensure that our citizens are able to receive the relief they so desperately need.”

Pennsylvania legalized medical marijuana last year after Governor Wolf signed Senate Bill 3 into law. Next year, dispensaries are expected to open in the state.

State Attorney General, Eugene DePasquale, called for full legalization of marijuana this week. “I very conservatively estimate potential revenues from regulating and taxing marijuana in Pennsylvania to be about $200 million a year.”

Currently, 29 states have approved the use of medical marijuana. Will an unpopular Congress really be willing to pave the way for the Department of Justice to take away medicine, jobs, and tax revenues for states?
