Grow For Vets Holding Two Events to Benefit Our Heroes

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Recently, we were lucky enough to speak with Grow For Vets Founder Roger B. Martin. Martin, a veteran himself, has dedicated his life to helping out his fellow servicemen and women. His organization aims to provide safe access to cannabis for veterans so they are not forced to rely on dangerous and addictive pharmaceutical medications.

“The mission of Grow for Vets USA is to provide a safe alternative to the deadly drug cocktails that are killing more than 50 American heroes a day,” Martin said.


Martin does not want to rely on his group’s past efforts. With two new events planned for July 1 in Las Vegas, Grow For Vets will keep working toward their goal of helping our heroes. Grow for Vets USA Free Cannabis Giveaway for Veterans is the first of these events and is will be held from 11 am – 1 pm on July 1.

“Our signature cannabis giveaway events allow us to interact with the bravest among us, while providing them with free cannabis and hemp products. Grow for Vets has provided Veterans with more than $1.4 million in free cannabis products over the past 3+ years,” Martin said.

Later that night, Martin has another event lined up.

“The Light Up Las Vegas™ VIP party is the first official fundraising event for Grow for Vets. It’s meant to be a thank-you to our sponsors, as well as our introduction to the citizens of Las Vegas,” Martin said.

The location of the events will be announced 48 hours prior. Sponsors and exhibitors will be provided the information earlier.

Vets in Nevada will be able to rely on Grow for Vets beyond the July 1 events as the group is about to have a major presence in the area.

“We recently relocated our national headquarters to Vegas and we plan to hold regular events here,” Martin said.

Please Note: This is a private event. Exhibitor booths are only $100. Sponsorships start at $250.

All sponsor and exhibitor fees are donations to Grow for Vets USA and may be tax deductible.

Detailed VIP party information can be at and Free Cannabis Giveaway details will be available at

Exhibitors can sign up at

Hurry, the deadline to sign up as a sponsor is here!
