Brand Spankin’ New Grow Technology for the Cannabis Industry

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Jungle Control Launches Highly Effective, Non-Toxic, Cannabis Cultivation Products Backed by Science and Packed with Ferocity

October, 2017 (Denver, CO) Today marked the official launch of Jungle Control, a company with the most advanced, effective, cultivation optimization products for use in the legal Cannabis industry. Jungle Control’s innovative, award-winning, chemical engineers bring the future of Ag-Tech and cannabis cultivation optimization technology to the burgeoning Cannabis industry, by using the latest in scientific breakthroughs to create products that help both large and small growers become more sustainable and responsible in their practices.

Jungle Control launches with its flagship product, Ferocious™, a plant-optimizing additive containing rare, non-toxic (to plants and human tissue), natural substances, with molecular structures similar to water. Jungle Control’s cutting-edge chemists are the first to create an environment which extracts and stabilizes these substances in greater volume than ever before. This premium additive delivers concentrated forms of hydrogen and oxygen, which allows cannabis plants to produce more energy. With more energy, cannabis plants have more vigor, become larger and stronger, and create greater yields. Ferocious is also believed to enhance the use of nutrients and other cultivation products by acting as a transporter for other elements and by promoting the efficiency of absorption and bioavailability.


With more vigorous plants and greater yields, Jungle Control is offering commercial and home growers the ability to maximize and optimize their cultivation practices by treating their feed water with small amounts Ferocious, a clear, liquid concentrate.

“Plants have the power to heal people, the power to help make lives better for people, and the power to bring people together for the common good,” says Yoffy, CEO of Jungle Control. “It is part of our mission to provide legal cannabis growers with the best science possible, so they can be safe during cultivation, sustainable in their practices, and responsible by providing premium products to people around the world.”

Jungle Control will be available at select retailers throughout the country or online @,,

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