Spark the Vote Launches Campaign to Mobilize Untapped Cannabis Voters

Logo: Spark the Vote

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Spark the Vote will hold a press event on September 16 to announce the launch of a national campaign to mobilize cannabis voters in advance of the November 3 General Election.

Cannabis voters are an incredibly diverse and growing voting bloc that have already made real impacts in state and local elections. In 2016 President Donald Trump won Florida, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Ohio by less than a million votes. Estimates by NewFrontier Data show that cannabis voters could have made a significant impact in these states with 2.5M cannabis consumers in Florida, 1.4M in Michigan, 1.4M in Pennsylvania and 1.3M in Ohio. In an era where presidential elections are regularly decided by less than a million votes, cannabis consumers have a huge role to play in local, state, and federal elections.


Spark the Vote is a campaign of the Consumer Cannabis Policy Council (CCPC) and is helmed by Campaign Director Jimmy Fremgen. Fremgen was formerly the lead committee staffer on cannabis for the California State Assembly and Senior Policy Advisor to Congressman Elijah Cummings and the House Oversight Committee during the Obama Administration.

As part of the event, Spark the Vote will announce details on its strategic roll-out as well as other key staff and Advisory Board appointments.

What: Spark the Vote Launch Media Event


Nate Bradley, CCPC Executive Director
Jimmy Fremgen, Spark the Vote Campaign Director
Brandon Bolton, Cannabis Equity Coalition
Sabrina Fendrick, Berkeley Patients Group and Boardmember of the United Cannabis Business Association
Tiffany Johnstan, Turnout Nation
Other guests TBD
Speakers will be available for questions

When: 9:30AM PST, Wednesday September 16, 2020

Where: The event will be held on Zoom: Click here to register –
