6 Cannabis Odor Eliminators Your Customers Will Love

Febreeze mg retailer
Febreeze mg retailer

Although cannabis may be growing in popularity and acceptance, sometimes discretion is still necessary. Nosy neighbors, hardass landlords, and unapproving roommates may not be down with the smell of smoke in their homes. Check out these 6 odor eliminators that you’re customers will love.

green Hippie Love Odor Eliminator Candle with gold top
Photo courtesy of southlandtrade.com

Hippie Love Smoke Odor Eliminator Candle

The Hippie Love Smoke Odor Eliminator candle is perfect to eliminate the smell from cannabis smoke. This candle combines the scents of watermelon, tropical fruit punch, and mixes in a slight scent of spice. These candles will burn between 55 to 70 hours.

rainbow cloud smokebuddy odor device
Photo courtesy of Smokebuddy.com

Smoke Buddy Personal Air Filter

Many of us have used a sploof in some form or another, especially those who spent any time in a college dorm room. But if you are looking to stock something a bit more efficient and reliable than a dryer sheet rubber banded over a toilet paper cardboard tube, then you’ll want to carry the Smoke Buddy. These odor eliminators come in many colors and designs. Smoke Buddy has been around since 2008 and have a solid track record.

1 clear bottle of Kushly Fine Mist Spray
Photo courtesy of Kushley.com

Kushley Spray 

It does not get much easier than simply spraying away odors. Kushley Spray is made to erase the smell of cannabis flower, edibles, dabs, and topicals. It is made with organic products and is not harmful to your body or the environment.

Neon Green Smoke Ghost Scented Filter mg
Photo courtesy of Smokeghost.com

Smoke Ghost Scented Smoking Filter

The Smoke Ghost is perfect for eliminating the smell of cannabis. But that is not all it does. It will actually reduce second-hand smoke and will transform it into a pleasant fragrance, which will make neighbors and roommates happy. The Smoke Ghost has interchangeable cartridges.

three small black bottles of nixt420 odor spray
Photo courtesy of Nixt420.com

NixT 420

NixT 420 can eliminate cannabis odor with a single spray. One 4-oz. bottle yields about 800 sprays, so it should last you quite some time. Sometimes odor neutralizers leave a smell that is worse than just letting the cannabis aroma linger. This is not the case with NixT420, as each spray will go after odor molecules and eliminate them.

orange bottle of Fabreze fabric spray Febreeze

Sure, its not exclusive to eliminating cannabis odors. But its trusted, proven, and works. When the doorbell rings unexpectedly, you know you spray Febreeze and be relatively confident that it will at least help.
