Yummi Karma Aims To Satisfy Hunger For Normal Industry

Yummi Chips
Yummi Chips

“I want patients to walk in, see our products, and feel comfortable, like something you would see at the grocery store,” said Krystal Kitahara, owner of Yummi Karma. The company creates edibles that “help people medicate discreetly. Overall, our goal is to normalize the industry.”

Kitahara founded Yummi Karma to address the lack of mainstream packaging and marketing. While watching the cannabis industry grow, she noticed an image problem. Just a few years ago, dispensaries “were selling marijuana brownies out of ziploc bags. There was a complete need in the market for professional packaging and better products than just typical pot brownies.”


Yummi Karma offers foodstuffs that can be consumed without attracting  attention. The packaging omits typical cannabis leaves and other obvious signs of an infused product. The company’s line of sauces and condiments includes a popular sriracha flavor. Additionally, Yummi Karma offers drink enhancers, flavored potato and tortilla chips, and popcorn. Kitahara said the company’s most popular product is “our chips, hands down. We cannot keep up right now with production.” While there is substantial demand for sauces and drink enhancers, Kitahara feels the chips offer “a grab-and-go option—something that can be eaten every day without preparation.”


The future looks bright for Yummi Karma. Kitahara said High Gorgeous, a new line of topicals that includes an infused bubble bath, will be unveiled “soon.” She also said she’s eager for cannabis to be legal in all fifty states. “I want to see a group of moms enjoy cannabis like they would wine. We want to see a new era where cannabis is appreciated for what it can offer and not have a stigma associated with it.”

yummi karma
Krystal Kitahara, Owner of Yummi Karma



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In 2016, Yummi Karma plans to release all of its sauces in single serving packets.  They will also offer tinctures in single serving sizes and will launch a beauty line called Highly Gorgeous which will offer THC and CBD body lotions, bubble baths, new lip balms and other items.

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