City of Los Angeles Proposes Regulations on Commercial Cannabis Signage

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Los Angeles’ Department of City Planning is seeking to regulate signage and ads by the cannabis industry in order to limit exposure to children.

Voters legalized recreational cannabis use in California in November of 2016. But the city of Los Angeles has had its own cannabis regulations to work out. In March of 2017, voters approved Measure M, which is designed to replace the controversial Prop. D.

As the regulations in Measure M are finalized, the City Council is seeking to implement the Commercial Cannabis Signage Ordinance. This ordinance would set restrictions on cannabis ads and dispensary signage. According to an email sent out by the Department of City Planning, the ordinance “seeks to limit children’s exposure to advertising of cannabis and cannabis products, to reduce the illegal purchase and consumption of cannabis by children, and to reduce the likelihood of children suffering potential negative impacts as a result of consuming cannabis.”


According to an email sent out by the Department of City Planning, the ordinance:

• Prohibits cannabis advertising on off-site signs (also known as billboards) that are located within 800 feet of sensitive locations, including alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities, public libraries, public parks, schools, and residentially zoned property. The prohibition would not apply to signs inside of buildings, signs on commercial vehicles used for transporting cannabis, and public service messages opposing the use of cannabis.

• Limits a cannabis business to one on-site sign that has a maximum size of 75 square feet. The sign may only display the name of the business, the logogram of business, and the business’ address, hours of operation and contact information.

• Prohibits portable signs or sandwich signs located in the public right-of-way in front of a cannabis business, as well as digital and spinner signs.

• Allows a cannabis business to display signs required by a government agency and signs for security agencies whose aggregate size is limited to 30 square inches.

The City Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on December 14 to discuss approving the signage ordinance.



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