5 Cookie Enforcement Laws From Dr. Norm’s

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Brother and sister duo Jeff Koz and Roberta Wilson successfully launched Dr. Norm’s in honor of their cookie-loving mom and old-school medical doctor dad. Here are the five laws by which they live by:

Taste the cookie, not the cannabis.

We strive to make products with as little cannabis taste as possible. We achieve this through the use of our proprietary, award-winning THC extract. We infuse our cookies with a clear, distilled oil with 91-percent potency.

Know your dose

We want to change the perception of edibles by promoting our mantra, “Know your dose.” Our commitment to delivering bite-sized, reliable, and consistently dosed products allows our patients to learn what dosage is right for them.


Dr. Norm's, edibles, marijuana, products Legacy

We honor the legacy of our dad, the original Dr. Norm, by caring about the wellbeing of our patients. We imbue his healing powers, personable and caring ways, and great sense of humor in all that we do. As Dr. Norm did, we treat people like family.

Organic growth 

It’s better to grow organically. By this we mean you need to connect personally with the patients and dispensaries. People love our cookies, and we want to turn them into fans and advocates.

Brand it with humor, and they will eat it.

The cannabis industry is still in its early days in terms of marketing and branding, and we plan on pushing the envelope here. Humor is key.


We honor the legacy of our dad, the original Dr. Norm, by caring about the wellbeing of our patients. We imbue his healing powers, personable and caring ways, and great sense of humor in all that we do. As Dr. Norm did, we treat people like family.

Did You Know?

Dr. Norm's, edibles, marijuana, products
Jeff Koz and Roberta Wilson

Dr. Norm’s has no cannabis aftertaste because the bakers use 91-percent-pure distilled THC extract and 100 percent THC potency—the same stuff used in shatter and high-end vape cartridges.

Dr. Norms

