Melissa Etheridge Arrested for Marijuana Possession

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Marijuana entrepreneur and musician, Melissa Etheridge, was arrested in August for possession in North Dakota.

Melissa Etheridge, famous for many hits including “Come to My Window,” was arrested for marijuana possession in August while returning from Canada and entering the United States. Her tour bus was stopped by customs where police search dogs found marijuana oil.

Etheridge informed the police that she used marijuana to reduce pain associated with her cancer. While marijuana is legal in California where the singer lives, it is not permitted in North Dakota. Her mugshot was recently released by TMZ where the singer can be seen with a wide smile.


She began using marijuana after chemotherapy in 2004 after recovering from breast cancer. Last year, she announced the formation of Etheridge Farms, a company that creates marijuana products.

Etheridge has slowly been opening up publicly about her marijuana use.

“I’ve been a celebrity here for almost 30 years, and I’ve done my best to speak truthfully about who I am and my human experience as I go through life, from my work to my family,” Etheridge said in an interview with Yahoo earlier this year. “Sometimes I find that I can say something, thinking that the whole world will understand, and they kind of go in another direction. I think if I get a little more specific, it can help guide the conversation in general about cannabis.”

She admitted to smoking marijuana with her adult children. Although they are not minors, she was heavily criticized for her parenting.

“My children are my priority,” Etheridge said. “I love my children. They are four of the most amazing human beings on earth. I live a very blessed life. I would never want to harm any of them.”
