Green Horizons celebrated the opening of the first phase of its one million square foot state-of-the-art cultivation campus in Coachella, California on May 16, 2024. This first phase is expected to produce 35,000 lbs. a year of premium sun-grown cannabis at a disruptive low-cost basis.
Guest of honor Fiona Ma, California State Treasurer, representatives from Coachella Mayor Steven Hernandez’s office and other dignitaries joined Green Horizons Co-founders Los Arias and Michael Meade for a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Ma noted the $65 million dollar facility’s opening would bring tax revenue to the area along with job creation, with the Biden Administration’s moves toward rescheduling marijuana poised to open up banking, critical to businesses like Green Horizons.

With partners including Tommy Hilfiger backing this venture, a second cultivation and manufacturing phase will break ground shortly on the consolidated campus, adding an additional 125,000 sq. ft. The biggest beneficiary of these projects may well be the community of Coachella itself and that is just as important to Arias and Meade who want to grow an operation while making a difference.