Aclara Research Releases Latest White Paper Examining Today’s Cannabis Usage Occasions

aclara research

Chicago, IL — Aclara Research, an emerging cannabis and wellness trends consulting firm, released the results of a year-long study examining cannabis and CBD usage habits among consumers. The company partnered with Ipsos, a global research and polling company to deliver a syndicated segmentation study of 1,000 consumers to capture the role of cannabis and CBD in Americans’ evolving approach to mental and physical well-being.

Aclara then continued the study independently to develop the “Cannabis Occasion Diaries” – the first longitudinal study of 3,000 people capturing over 10,0000 occasions to quantify the full spectrum of how, why, when and where cannabis and CBD are chosen, and what products they are replacing. The “Occasion Diaries” are the first and only body of diary-based cannabis insights spanning wellness, social and health occasions, with future implications for traditional consumer goods, cannabis, and healthcare manufacturers.


The syndicated study and “Occasion Diaries” provide CPG, cannabis and healthcare companies an opportunity to examine why consumers choose non-traditional products to improve wellness across occasions and need states.

“As consumers expand their view of physical and mental wellness, cannabis and CBD are used as multidimensional tools to satisfy different need states across social engagement, symptom management and overall wellness,” said Carmen Brace, Founder of Aclara Research. “The ‘Occasion Diaries’ shine a light on occasion based demand, and the future impact of cannabis legalization on CPG and healthcare products. Consumers are decreasing their use of traditional products in favor of cannabis and CBD because they are being viewed as healthier and more effective.”

Highlights of the study revealed:

Cannabis is a multifunctional wellness product

Cannabis and CBD solve various wellness needs for consumers. While people tend to enter the category socially, they increase usage to solve new wellness occasions over time  – including relaxation, better sleep and stress relief.

These dynamics have fueled a broad (68%) consumer perception of cannabis/ CBD as healthier and more effective than alcohol, prescription drugs and over the counter medications.

Participants using cannabinoids reported a decrease in the use of OTC medications (71%), a decrease in prescription drugs (61%) and a decrease in overall alcohol usage (55%).

As occasions expand, consumers spend approximately two thousand dollars annually on cannabis and CBD products across dispensary and nontraditional retail channels.

Legacy users – those that have consumed for 5+ years – are the most valuable consumer segment.

Morning usage emerged as a key occasion for proactive wellness management to set the tone for the day, both physically and mentally.

Study Implication for Cannabis, CPG and Healthcare Companies:

Cannabis has captured occasions from established categories including OTC medication, alcohol, supplements and prescription drugs.

CPG Brands and leaders must be aware of the current and future wellness needs for which they are competing with cannabis and CBD.

Cannabis brands and retailers must understand how consumers are using products in solo and group occasions, and how these behaviors impact product innovation, marketing and loyalty.

About Aclara Research and Carmen Brace:

Aclara Research is a WMBE certified consulting firm focused on emerging wellness trends and the impact on consumer behavior in cannabis and beyond. Founder Carmen Brace is a cannabis and emerging trends expert on the intersection of consumer packaged goods, cannabis and well-being. Based on her deep understanding of the cannabis industry, coupled with her deep CPG background, she and her team are uniquely skilled at both harnessing current market dynamics and anticipating future trends.

Carmen has worked with global data companies, leading CPG brands and Cannabis executives to shape innovation and strategy since 2016. She has published CME certified research with medical professionals, sits on the board of Chicago NORML (National Organization to Reform Marijuana Law) and is a member of Illinois Governor Pritzker’s Cannabis and Health Advisory Committee. To learn more about Aclara Research and Carmen Brace, visit
