New DENIOS Checklist Details Collection and Disposal of Hazardous Laboratory Waste


LOUISVILLE, Ky. — DENIOS-US has produced a new full-color checklist that details the collection and disposal of hazardous laboratory waste. The practical guide includes 10 things to look for and covers pre-work steps such as preparing a risk assessment ahead of time, trying to avoid the use of hazardous materials if suitable alternatives are available, and keeping suitable collection containers on hand (to avoid scrambling for them when the time comes). When preparing to collect the waste, always wear the prescribed Personal Protective Equipment. Mark the collection containers permanently and clearly with the hazard designation and symbols. Check to see if the waste can be pre-treated to reduce the hazard potential (with neutralization, for example). When filling collection containers, use funnels when dispensing into narrow-necked containers, work over a spill tray and use an appropriate absorbent, and take measures to avoid electrostatic discharge. Store waste safely ensuring that no reactions are possible if containers are damaged, for example. Regularly dispose of waste so that its storage, transport, and destruction do not lead to a hazard. Clean emptied containers thoroughly and reuse them with similar substances if possible. In addition to detailed descriptions, the checklist includes additional helpful links to further information on the topics discussed. Checklists are free and available by request at

In addition to this new checklist, DENIOS-US maintains a document gallery of educational, safety, and environmental content, as well as other articles, for free download.


DENIOS-US offers a comprehensive range of products for laboratory safety.  This includes proven solutions that ensure the safe handling of hazardous substances in the lab as well as the storage of hazardous substances by the law.   For more information on lab safety products and educational articles, visit


DENIOS is the world’s leading manufacturer and supplier of products and services for occupational environmental protection and workplace safety.  For nearly four decades they have been supplying legally compliant products, solutions, and custom services for handling hazardous substances.  They serve North American customers from a 100,000-square-foot facility in Louisville, Kentucky which houses engineering, manufacturing, customer service, and administrative support.   At this location, they manufacture everything from the original spill pallet which launched the Company, to highly engineered, fire-rated chemical storage buildings.  For additional information on DENIOS US, visit, chat with a live representative online, or via email at [email protected], or call (877) 388-0187.
