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Illinois Lawmakers Consider Recreational Marijuana Bill

Illinois could become the first midwest state to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. The marijuana momentum continues in Illinois. In 2013, the Prairie State...
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Oregon Issues Recall on Marijuana Strain

The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has put out a recall on a marijuana strain after it failed to meet state testing requirements. Product recalls are...
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Is Marijuana Disrupting the Beer Industry’s Flow?

Marijuana may take over the phrase “This Bud’s for You.” In yet another sign that marijuana is going mainstream, new research shows that 27 percent...
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West Virginia Considers Marijuana Legalization

A bill to legalize recreational marijuana was introduced in the West Virginia House of Delegates this week. Arkansas and Florida have legalized the use of...

Synthetic Marijuana More Dangerous Than the Real McCoy

While marijuana is known to cause few side effects, synthetic marijuana is far more dangerous. The prohibition of marijuana has produced many unforeseen consequences. Scientific...
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Jeff Sessions Makes Conflicting Marijuana Statements, Again

Attorney General Jeff Sessions caused more confusion and angst within the marijuana industry today with comments that seem to be at odds with each...
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Four State Update: Nevada Considers Public Consumption of Marijuana, Connecticut…

Nevada Bill Would Allow Public Consumption of Marijuana Nevada voters approved recreational marijuana in November. Retail sales are expected to start as early as July....
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Pennsylvania State Auditor Signals Support for Recreational Marijuana

State auditor Eugene DePasquale feels recreational marijuana can help Pennsylvania generate new revenue. Pennsylvania legalized the medical use of marijuana after Senate Bill 3 (SB3)...
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Help Us United States Senate, You’re Our Only Hope

Despite Jeff Sessions's tough talk on marijuana enforcement, members of the Senate are signaling strong support for state marijuana laws. The marijuana industry has finally...
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Israeli Lawmakers Vote to Decriminalize Recreational Marijuana

On Sunday, Israel continued its progressive approach toward marijuana as lawmakers voted to decriminalize personal possession. While U.S. authorities are threatening to roll back marijuana...