Oregon Issues Recall on Marijuana Strain

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The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has put out a recall on a marijuana strain after it failed to meet state testing requirements.

Product recalls are a familiar part of our consumer culture. While we often associate recalls with food or automobiles, Oregon just issued its first recall of a marijuana strain.

The strain Blue Magoo tested at higher than acceptable levels for a pesticide called pyrethrin. The strain was sold at a Buds 4 U in Mapleton, 45 miles from Eugene. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission has asked consumers to either throw out the tainted strain or to bring it back to the shop.


The strain was shipped before it was known that Blue Magoo failed pesticide testing. According to liquor commission spokesman Mark Pettinger, Buds 4 U notified the state commission after they noticed the failed pesticide reading was listed in the state’s cannabis tracking system.

“The retailer was great,” Pettinger said. “They get the gold star.”

Oregon tests marijuana for over 50 contaminants. This batch was examined by GreenHaus Analytical Labs. The grower, Emerald Wave Estate, cannot sell more of the Blue Magoo strain until additional testing is completed.

While this may be alarming for many, it may show that the testing regulations in Oregon are working. No one can eliminate all safety issues. Consumers will have to rely on state authorities such as the Oregon Liquor Commission to ensure public safety. Currently, there are no federal regulations on testing requirements for marijuana since it is a Schedule I substance.

The lack of established federal regulations has frustrated some state officials. “It’s a big struggle, for sure,” said Sunny Jones, cannabis policy coordinator for the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
