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City of Los Angeles Proposes Regulations on Commercial Cannabis Signage

Los Angeles' Department of City Planning is seeking to regulate signage and ads by the cannabis industry in order to limit exposure to children. Voters...
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Republican Senator Plans to Co-Sponsor Federal Bill to Allow Marijuana Businesses to Claim Tax...

Senator Cory Gardner is looking to take some of the strain off of running marijuana businesses by allowing them federal deductions on their taxes. For...

Hoban Law Group Announces Global Expansion Plans

Denver-based Hoban Law Group has announced plans for major global expansion, as well as a new addition to their team of attorneys. The "cannabusiness"...
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New Jersey Elects Democrat Phil Murphy as new Governor. Will Marijuana Legalization Soon Follow?

As a gubernatorial candidate, Phil Murphy vowed to reform New Jersey's criminal justice system and to legalize recreational marijuana. New Jersey has had an interesting...
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Maine Governor’s Veto on Recreational Marijuana Sales Stands

Lawmakers voted to override Gov. LePage's veto of legal marijuana sales but fell short of the two-thirds needed.  Governor Paul LePage's veto of recreational marijuana...

Maine Lawmakers Prepare to Challenge Governor’s Marijuana Veto

This afternoon, lawmakers in Maine will meet to discuss possibly overriding Governor Lepage's veto on recreational marijuana sales. The political drama in Maine over recreational marijuana...

WH Commission Says Cannabis Increases Chance of Opioid Use

WASHINGTON D.C.–A report with than 50 recommendations was released on Wednesday by the White House Commission on Combating Drug Addiction and the Opioid Crisis,...
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How Will California Handle the Regulatory Challenges Brought on by Recreational Marijuana?

The hippie dream has become a regulatory quagmire in California. As growers prepare to produce recreational bud on a large scale, the state and...
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Peru Legalizes Medical Marijuana

Peru's Congress voted overwhelmingly to approve medical marijuana. In another victory for the reform movement, Peru has legalized the use of medical marijuana. Yesterday, the Peruvian...
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Reading PA Mayor Walks out of Meeting Over Marijuana

Reading Mayor Wally Scott was so appalled by a discussion on lowering penalties for low-level marijuana possession, that he could not tolerate staying for the...