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Congressman Dana Rohrabacher Admits To Marijuana Use

Dana Rohrabacher Uses Medical Marijuana For Arthritis United States House Representative, Dana Rohrabacher (D-CA) is a member of the Republican party and serves California’s 48th congressional district....
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MassRoots Denied Nasdaq Application

News, social interaction, and… even marijuana have been drastically altered in the information age. MassRoots is a social media platform targeted directly at marijuana connoisseurs....
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NYPD’s Bill Bratton Makes Surprising Marijuana Remark

There has been a substantial decline in marijuana-related arrests in New York City. In a four-year span, marijuana arrests have dropped 67%. In 2015 alone,...

Louisiana Governor Signs Medical Marijuana Bill

Louisiana Governor, John Bel Edwards signed a medical marijuana bill into law yesterday. The bill was designed to speed up and expand the current medical...

Oakland Launches New Licensing To Address Integration

Oakland Will Use Equity Permits To Address Integration In an attempt to quickly address a lack of integration in Oakland’s legal marijuana work force, the...

Medical Marijuana Advocates Host Citizen Lobby Day

 From Americans For Safe Access on Citizen Lobby Day Sacramento, CA- Hundreds of patients, advocates, care providers, industry workers, and other stakeholders from around the...

Aurora To Spend Marijuana Taxes On Helping Homeless

Could America's homeless population be saved with legal marijuana? Tax revenues from marijuana sales are already being used to upgrade and build new schools. Colorado’s third...

Is Florida Finally Flowering?

Florida is thought to be one of the illegal marijuana grow capitals of the United States. In 2011, it was reported that Florida led the...
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Texas Weed One Year Later

THE FIRST CYCLE of weed legislation has allowed Texas a few theoretical baby steps into the cannabiz, but as we close in on one year...
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Immigration To U.S. For Medical Marijuana On the Rise

Immigration has been a hot button issue in the United States for years. As we approach the 2016 presidential election, the passion elicited from this...