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More Arrested for Marijuana Than all Violent Crimes Combined in 2016

Over 5 percent of all arrests last year were for marijuana-related charges. In 2016, more people were arrested for marijuana possession than for assault, murder, rape, robbery,...
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About a Quarter of Seattle Cancer Patients use Medical Marijuana to Cope With Symptoms

A recent study found that patients are seeking advice outside of the traditional medical community and using marijuana to ease pain, nausea, and other...
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Buying Recreational Marijuana in Los Angeles Will Soon be Legal, but Where Will People...

Without marijuana lounges or changes to the current laws, recreational customers may not have a place to consume legally. Remember when people used to get...
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Maine Could Allow Marijuana to be Purchased Online and at Drive-Thrus

Supporters argue that marijuana should be available in the same convenient ways that alcohol is in Maine. Want to buy marijuana discreetly from your car without...
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NFL Lineman Trent Williams says Marijuana use is for Pain Management

NFL player Trent Williams of the Washington Redskins received a four-game suspension after testing positive for marijuana use. For a league that has a history...
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Vast Majority of Physicians Not Prepared to Recommend Medical Marijuana

Physicians are rarely exposed to the benefits and risks of medical marijuana as med schools typically do not cover it. Medical marijuana is already legal...
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Study: Cannabis Users Mostly Want it for Sleep and Pain Relief

A new study shows that cannabis users are generally more likely to be using the drug to get to sleep than to lose sleep...
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Dr. Oz: Medical Marijuana Could Fix Opioid Epidemic

Dr. Oz, one of America's most well-known physicians, thinks medical marijuana could be key in trying to reduce opioid addiction. One drug is addictive, causes...

California Urges Federal Authorities to Reclassify Marijuana

California lawmakers have passed a joint resolution demanding that the federal government removes marijuana from the list of Schedule I narcotics. Recreational marijuana sales are...

‘Be Brave for Cannabis’ Campaign Launches as Michigan Lawmakers Approve Dispensary Shutdown

Michigan cannabis businesses Canna Media Works, Canna Communication, and Greengate Health on September 12, launched a social media campaign to raise public awareness of...