NBA Commissioner Not Looking to Change League’s Marijuana Policy Right Now

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As more states legalize marijuana, will professional sports follow suit?

The idea of allowing professional athletes to use marijuana for both medicinal and recreational reasons has been gaining traction. Many former NFL players, including Eugene Monroe and Jim McMahon, have been publically advocating to reform marijuana policy. But, NFL Commissioner, Roger Goodell, does not seem inclined to consider any changes to the league’s substance policy.

NBA Commissioner, Adam Silver, is considered by many to be more progressive on social issues. Unfortunately, he may not be ready just yet to allow players to use marijuana. In a recent interview with The Players Tribune, Silver laid out his rationale.


“I don’t see the need for any changes right now. I mean, it’s legal in certain states,” Silver said. “But as you know, our players are constantly traveling, and it might be a bit of a trap to say we’re going to legalize it in these states, but no, it’s illegal in other states. And then players get in a position where they’re traveling with marijuana, and we’re obviously getting into trouble.”

The good news for players seeking a change in the league’s marijuana policy is that Silver does not seem to be stating a moral case. Perhaps with a change in federal policy, the NBA would be able to allow players to consume marijuana.
