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Prop D Aftermath: What’s Wrong With Los Angeles

The Los Angeles cannabis community is in chaos and, if the powers that be have their way, it’s about to get a whole lot worse. Under proposed legislation—legislation that flies in the face of...
dollar bills

Legalization Put Marijuana Prices On The Decline

An increase in supply due to legalization seems to decrease prices for marijuana. Marijuana has existed mostly on the black market for the past century. This has contributed to higher prices, as growers and dealers...
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Asset Seizure; The Mother Of All Bills. Prop D Detour

Imagine what your friendly neighborhood Republicans would say if they knew that government seizure of private property occurred without due process. They would be outraged. They would call talk-radio shows, light up social media, and...
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Wana Brands: The Good, The Bad, & The Yummy

Nancy Whiteman, Co-owner of Wana Brands on the good news and bad news for the edibles marketplace. The edible market has matured considerably over the past six years. When we first founded the company, many...
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Media Men: Building Cannabis Brands One At A Time

The star-making, brand-building, storytelling team at PROHBTD are creating and curating the past, present, and future brands of the cannabis industry. LIKE EVERYTHING ELSE having to do with cannabis, there is no shortage of people...
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Light-Deprivation & Greener Grass With Greenhouses

When choosing to cultivate, there are so many things to take into consideration. For me, I look at cannabis as medicine. It is serving me either physically, psychologically, spiritually, or “recreationally.” Recreational use just helps...
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Dank Tank Is Helping Oils Roll Into The Modern Age

With so many new options to consume cannabis, Dank Tank is leading the way with their clean quality oils. As the appeal of cannabis increases, so does the number of consumable forms. Lighting up a...
2016 CCIA

Auspicious Debut For 1st Annual CCIA Policy Conference

SACRAMENTO – The California Cannabis Industry Association’s first annual policy conference, held March 29 at the Sacramento Sheraton Grand Hotel on J Street, was a sold out affair that offered the well-dressed and well-behaved...
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The Impact Of The Texas Compassionate Use Act

A look at the state of marijuana in the Lone Star State and the Texas Compassionate Use Act. The Lone Star State is known for many things: football, savory barbeque, and one of the most...
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Walnut Industrial Tries For Energy Efficiency In OR

Keeping up with energy demands across the United States and the world is becoming extremely challenging. With more electronic devices than people, it is easy to see how power consumption is rising all over. Commercial marijuana...